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Por favor, tenga en cuenta que CaixaBank, S.A., Succursale in Italia solo se dirige a clientes corporativos, por tanto, y debido a razones regulatorias bancarias, no podemos recopilar ni procesar ningún dato de consumidores o clientes de banca privada o particular. Además, no tenemos acceso a información sobre cuentas bancarias que mantengan con CaixaBank, S.A., en ningún país que no sea Italia.
We have detected that fraudsters are fraudulently using the CaixaBank brand to present themselves by e-mail or telephone as bank advisors working for CaixaBank.
We would like to remind you that this branch does NOT market loans or savings products to individuals or small businesses in or from Italy, nor do we engage in prospecting.
These fraudsters offer savings products or other types of financial investments, and their requests come from e-mail addresses fraudulently bearing the name of CaixaBank or its employees. In addition, the emails, offers, or documents transmitted use the CaixaBank logo and graphic charter, as well as legal notices copied from our websites to deceive their victims. These fake advisors ask you to send them funds to invest in investment products that do not exist. If you have received such a phone call or email, do not respond, do not click on any links and do not download or send any attachments. And report this attempted email scam to us at: We take this matter very seriously and are doing everything we can to prevent it.
If you have shared confidential data, information about your payment methods or your bank account, or if you have noticed fraudulent transactions on your account or sending money: notify your bank advisor, stop the transaction as soon as possible and file a report at the nearest police station or gendarmerie.
CaixaBank Succursale in Italia only addresses to CORPORATE customers in Italy and do not have access to information on bank accounts held with CaixaBank, S.A., in any country other than Italy.
If you are a private client of CaixaBank in Spain, and have doubts or questions related to bank accounts, credit cards, transactions or any other information, please contact us at:
HolaBank, follow the link to access a new service specially designed for international customers,